It started at Bhavnagar in February 2018 with a Cup of Tea. Please click the play button to hear the complete story.


Do you know anyone who has never ever seen or ate Sugar during his/her entire lifetime? I am sure the answer will be 'NO' with perhaps the only exception if you happen to be the tribal natives of the islands like Andaman-Nicobar and deep rain forests of the Amazon.

Our day begins with Coffee/Tea sweetened with Sugar & ends with the deserts like ice cream, cakes-pastry or puddings sweetened with Sugar. Just have a look at the ready to eat snack packs in your Pantry and you will be amazed to find a minimum of 5 to 7 items out of ten having the Sugar ingredient. Sugar has become an essential part of our daily diet input.

Many of you must have heard that ‘Sugar’ is not good for health and some may have also got Medical Advice from doctors to cut down ‘Sugar’ intake.
What perhaps you do not know is,

- if Sugar is not good for health than why do people all over the world consume approximately 180.73 Million Metric Tons of SUGAR every Year?

- what are the harmful effects of the Sugar on the human body? What do experts have to say about it?

- is there no other better option/alternative to Sugar?

- is it possible to make this World Sugar Free and if so how?
This BLOG is dedicated to collect compile and display all the info on this topic from various sources such as the media, internet, and from the visitors and guest post writers to this blog.

Aim of this BLOG is to bring like-minded people to one such platform. To make aware of the world that as acknowledged by the Indian Ayurved, JAGGERY is the healthier and far better choice to free the world from the harmful effects of the White table Sugar.

Brazil ranks number one as Sugarcane producing country. India ranks second and China ranks number three. But most of the sugarcane produced in the world is used for the production of white refined sugar by the giant sugar industry at their modern mills set up in developed countries. Jaggery is produced in small quantities by very few Asian and Latin American countries that too as a cottage industry.  

Jaggery despite being a healthier and better option not much popular as it comes from the village cottage industries. On the other hand, the sugar industry is better organized and because of their aggressive marketing tactics captured almost 99.9% of the world market demand of the sweetener. 

Jaggery is not much popular, therefore there is not much market demand. Besides the western developed countries' quality standards, packing, lab testing requires up-gradation of the Jaggery production units in the villages. It's expensive and possible only if market demand increases. 

So first and foremost there is a need to let the World know through Social Media tools that as per the Ayurved practiced in ancient India, Jaggery is a healthier option to your kitchen's demand for sweetener. 

Such awareness is must increase the market demand of Jaggery, which in turn will provide the much-needed boost to the Jaggery production units to increase production and improve the quality.